Art Gallery by Ara HACOBIAN


Rui L. Reis, Chief Executive Officer
Patrícia Malafaya
Headquarters of the European Institute of Excellence on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Avepark – Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia
Zona Industrial da Gandra
4805-017 Barco GMR- Portuga
Tel: +351-253-510914 (Direct) or +351-253-510900
Fax: +351-253-510909

GPS: N 41.508091°  W 8.334417°


[If your GPS still doesn't have the roads directly to Avepark, point it to Point A (N41.488617, W8.345575) on the following map and then follow the route to Point B (Avepark entrance)]

W 8,33493°N 41,50763°
W 8,33493°


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