Integrated R&D Platform

EXPERTISSUES EEIG will market the resources and competences of EXPERTISSUES EEIG members as an integrated R&D platform available to external industrial and institutional stakeholders. For that, EXPERTISSUES EEIG will compile all relevant information such as equipments and infrastructure available, as well as competences and know-how consolidated that can be made available to external stakeholders under specific conditions. In terms of resources and competences, the main interface between EXPERTISSUES EEIG members and external stakeholders will be made through the EXPERTISSUES MarketPlace that aims to work as database for internal and external reference about the terms and conditions of use for resources and competences made available by EXPERTISSUES EEIG:

Within EXPERTISSUES EEIG, the use of these resources and competences between members should be priced at the respective direct cost calculated and indicated by the providing member;

Outside the EXPERTISSUES EEIG, the same resources and competences will be made to external stakeholders at a price fully defined by the providing member. No specific pricing strategy applies to resources and competences made available to external stakeholders. Nevertheless a fee will be charged by EXPERTISSUES EEIG to resources and competences contracted through EXPERTISSUES MarketPlace.